Issued documents
The documents issued by an occupational medicine clinic may include
1. Employment fitness certificate
- Document attesting to a candidate's fitness for a particular job or professional activity.
2. Periodic medical assessment
- Document certifying the employee's health status following the periodic medical examination carried out in accordance with legal requirements or employer's specifications.
3. Medical certificate for completion of professional training programs
- Document attesting to the medical fitness of an individual to perform a specific professional activity upon completion of a training course.
4. Specific medical reports and evaluations
- Documents containing the results of specific medical examinations and assessments of employees' health status in relation to the workplace hazards they are exposed to.
5. Medical recommendations and instructions regarding health and safety at work
- Documents containing medical recommendations and instructions on how employees can prevent and manage health and safety risks in the workplace.
6. Medical recommendation for job change
- Document certifying that the employee is medically fit for performing professional activities in a specific job position.